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Art on the Rocks / 2015 / Debbie Danbrook "Dancing on Waves of Grace"

Debbie Danbrook "Dancing on Waves of Grace"
  • 01 September 2015 12:37
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Debbie Danbrook "Dancing on Waves of Grace"

'Dancing on Waves of Grace' - an evening of Music, Dance, and Stone Sculptures. 

Please join Debbie Danbrook and musical friends, including the Take Club Shakuhachi Group along with dancers from the Sacred Dance Guild for a beautiful and peaceful Walking Meditation through the rock garden sculptures. Participants will be invited to sit or to join in a meditative walk with music/dancers weaving throughout the space. After the performance we will sit together and enjoy the sunset. 

Video clip one:

video clip two:

www.healingmusic.com // www.sacreddanceguild.org

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