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"I never know what I am doing until it is done." 

The process is entirely experimental, no plan, no sketches, just following the lines of a visual communication with subconscious intentions. 

The most dominant influences come from other artists. Kandinsky, Kline, Rothko, Franz Marc, DeKooning, Motherwell and Pollock. Additional influences from contemporary artist like Basquiat, Haring, & Richter, all encouraged a freedom of experimentation which has had an influence for the past 25 years


A most significant influence has been the temporal balanced rock sculptures. nature has become the "boss" in the creative process. Nature creates and destroys, and is always in harmony and balance with the universe (like it or not).


As an adherent to the philosophy of Taoism, there is always a need for balance, whether it be colour, form, texture or space. Colour creates the form while space defines it.



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1 613 263 0699

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