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Ceprano, born in Providence, Rhode Island,  has been residing in Canada since 1973, and presently lives in Gatineau, Québec.

Intending to become a meteorologist, he studied Physics at Community College of Rhode Island in 1966. Later he studied at the University of Rhode Island, in the Fine Art program, and awarded scholarship in painting, with 'final year study abroad' at the University of Ottawa. 

In 1982, he was awarded the Graduate Assistantship in Art History while studying Photography at Rhode Island College, in the MA program.

In 1985 he returned to the University of Ottawa, studying non-silver photography until 1990. 
He had been producing water colour paintings since 1975, and found the non-silver photography process provided a balance between the painting and photography disciplines.

During this time, he began the self-taught 'ART OF BALANCE' sculpture project at Remic Rapids Park.

Never having worked with rocks, every experience was a lesson learned. The local community became aware of the work in 1987, and in 1989, he received a Canada Council Arts grant for the project.

The anual project has been contracted since 2000, by the Canadian federal government agency, the National Capital Commission, and continues to the present.

Ceprano has collaborated with various performance artists 'on site' since 2005, in dance, theater, and music. Additionally, he hosted the 'Balanced Art World International' festivals, "BAWI", 2012 to 2014, with "stone balance" artists from the USA, Japan, Italy, France, Israel, Brazil, & Canada. The festival originated in Italy in 2011.


In 2015, he received the 'Award of Excellence' for "Urban Design in Public Places", from the city of Ottawa for the annual project at Remic Rapids Park.

In 2017, the 'balanced rock sculpture project' was designated as one of three destination sites for 'Canada 150', the 150th anniversary of Canada.

Ceprano also began to produce permanent rock sculpture projects in 1999, and continues to the present.

The permanent sculpture projects are carved, pinned, and usually produced upon site. Each project is corroborated with sub-contractors, landscape architects, and client.


Youtube link provides interviews and the performance artists among the sculptures at Remic Rapids Park since 1987.


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